Fist of Guthix

Skill Defence Logo This minigame has been rated as Low Risk. See the minigames page for a definition of high and low risk.
Minigame Grouping Icon This activity supports the Grouping System.


Fist of Guthix is a free and members player versus player minigame. Rather than the traditional "first one to kill their opponent wins" style of play, tactics must be used to ensure victory over your opponent. In the game you are paired with another player, and each of you will take a turn at being the hunter and the hunted. These roles need to do opposite things to gain 'charges' and win, and will be explained later on.

Getting There
On the world select page, Jagex suggests certain worlds to find other interested players. The entrance is located within the Gamers' Grotto. Use a Games necklace to teleport to the Gamers' Grotto, or a short walk from Falador to the north and head east where you'll run upon the entrance. You can also use a Ring of duelling which will teleport you directly there. Once you enter you will need to speak to Fiara, the huge earwig, to learn how to play. After you have spoken to her, you may get a bar that appears at the bottom of the screen stating that a certain item you are carrying cannot be taken into the cave. The only items permitted into the arena are weapons, armour, summoning pouches and scrolls. There is a banker located near Fiara where you can bank your contraband items and get out your desired equipment. Once you have done that, it's time to play!

Displays which items are not allowed to enter
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The Basics

At the start of the game, you receive 5 bandages (each healing 150 LP), 300 catalytic runes, 1000 elemental runes and a tele-orb. The elemental runes will replace all air, water, earth and fire runes. The catalytic runes will replace all other runes. The tele-orb will teleport you to the centre of arena at any point, but it'll be destroyed in the process.

Fog Bandages And Stuff

A Fist of Guthix game consists of two rounds, which last a maximum of 10 minutes (usually less):

  • In one round, you are The Hunter and your goal is to kill your opponent as quickly as possible.
  • In the other round you are The Hunted and your goal is to gain as many charges as possible. The only spells which can be used by the hunted are Vengeance, Cure Poison and Dream (Lunar Magic spells). When you are killed, that ends the round.

After you have played both roles, the player with the most charges is declared the winner. The reward is some Fist of Guthix tokens (for purchasing special equipment) and an increased rating. The amount of tokens and rating you receive depends on your opponent's charges, your own charges, and your total level. Other factors could include: your opponent's total level, combat level and rating. The loser receives a few tokens and a slightly decreased rating (the rating can't go below 0). The rating of a player who forfeits will drop significantly, no tokens will be received and their rating and tokens will be reduced for the next game. As of an update 10 August 2015, tokens are no longer received in physical form, and instead appear as currency when trading Reggie for rewards. Existing tokens can be cashed in using a right-click option to convert them.

You have won!


During all PVP (Player vs. Player) combat, the higher your opponents' combat level and life points are, the greater the amount of experience you'll receive per life points of damage dealt. Experience is received as a single drop upon killing your opponent.

The Arena

Minigame Fog Map

The different circles on the map will be explained in-depth later on. The blue circles are the houses. The yellow circle is a possible hiding location. The purple circle is another hiding location. There are many rocks in the arena that can be used to avoid your opponent's melee blows, but the ones circled in pink are closest to the centre and thus give you the most charges.

Centre. The centre is a key area of the arena. The closer the Hunted is, the more charges earned every three seconds. (You don’t get charges fluidly; you get them at time intervals of three seconds.) However the closer you are to the centre, the more your combat levels are reduced and the more damage you’ll take from the game itself. The centre also lets you recharge your run energy at triple the normal rate.

Houses. There are four houses around the centre. Only the Hunted can enter them, but will be hit for some damage upon entering. The Hunted can't be seen while inside a house, although the Hunted will be able to see the Hunter. This can be useful for escaping. However, no charges are gained inside the houses. Staying inside the houses will also hit you for approximately 10 LP of damage every second. The portals inside can teleport you to another random house at the cost of 20 charges. However, the portals have a chance of failing, meaning you will be teleported to a random square near the centre and outside of a house. The longer you have spent in a house, the higher the chance of failing a teleport becomes.

Obstacles. As you can see, there are a lot of other obstacles around the area. Most of the small obstacles (1 square big) and small statues can be shot over by magic or ranged. Most of the large obstacles and statues can’t. While all the obstacles can be used to your advantage, a few of them have significantly more strategic value then others (see The Hunted section).

More in-depth strategies regarding the arena are available in The Hunted and The Hunter sections.

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The only items permitted into the arena are weapons, armour, summoning pouches and scrolls. Note that runes are provided for mages, but rangers will need to bring their own ammunition. Ammunition will be broken/lost as normal, but all unbroken ammunition will be returned to you after the game. Note that the setups suggested here are not the only possible approaches. Experiment for yourself and see what works best for you.

There are a lot of different options for equipment; however there are some basic factors which you should consider:

  • Accuracy doesn't matter. Most hunteds just stand in the middle with protection prayers on until they’re killed (see The Hunter section). Because of this, accuracy doesn’t really matter, as the hunted's defence will almost be nullified near the centre. So try to focus on max hit enhancers.
  • Hybrid. Be some kind of hybrid, to avoid the protection prayers of your opponent. Possibly the best hybrid option is ranged/magic, so you can easily switch between styles even when your opponent is running away or hiding behind an obstacle (this is a little different for free to play, see further down). If you insist on using melee, your best hybrid option is magic/melee, so you can switch styles without having to switch weapons (and equipment).
  • Weight. Try to keep your weight down. If you opponent likes to run a lot, you better not "run" out of energy.
  • Defence less important. Due to stat reductions, the Hunter will successfully hit more then 90% of the time anyway.

Of course these principles aren’t absolute. If your melee levels are a lot higher then your ranged and/or magic levels, it’s probably best to melee a lot. Also if your offensive levels are much lower then your opponent’s defence level, you could increase your emphasis on accuracy and attack stats.

Free to play (F2P)

For F2P players, it’s suggested to just focus on the style which has the highest max hit for you and use magic as a backup. If your levels are all approximately equal, this will probably be melee and magic. Under level 70, magic and melee have approximately the same maximum hit but above that, melee will be best. Ranged is the underdog in free to play as its maximum hit is usually lower than that of melee and magic. However, it's still suggested to bring ranged too; for those few annoying opponents who run away and pray protect from magic.

All this leads to this equipment:

Fog Outfit F2p

Many people playing this game in F2P wear a team cape, whereas others wear no cape or a different cape. If you and your opponent wear different team capes, no matter what combat levels you are, you will both have a left click attack option, which can be used to your advantage. The second Team cape in the inventory is for when your opponent wears the same cape as you since wearing the same cape, the attack option will become a right click option, which can be very annoying. It is also advised to bring a plain cape in case you have a higher combat than your opponent, since you will possess a right click attack option where as they will not. The green dragon hide will provide a defensive bonus against magic attacks when you are being hunted as well as an offensive ranged bonus when you are hunting. Beware that dragon hide provides a negative offensive magic bonus and you will find casting spells harder. The holy symbol provides a large prayer bonus and small defensive bonus, allowing you to keep prayers active for longer.

Members (P2P)

Members have a lot more options then non-members and there isn’t one “ultimate” equipment set. It’s still important to be some kind of hybrid though and again it’s suggested to use magic/ranged. This is also because your special attack weapon will probably be a melee one and will surprise your opponent more if you start with magic/ranged (more on this later). However, there are two pieces of equipment which really shine here: full void ranged and darts or throwing knives. Remember ranged equipment breaks as normal, so don't go crazy with dragon darts. Void combines decent defence together with a nice max hit boost. To make it even better, you can usually mage pretty well with full void and magic attack boosting equipment on the other slots. Darts and throwing knives have low accuracy, but are lightning quick. Fortunately, accuracy doesn’t matter much because your opponent is usually near the centre and therefore has low defence.

If you can’t or don’t want to use void, another option is to use a mix of magic armour, ranged armour and strength boosting gear. If you don’t want to use darts (especially if your ranged level is below 60 and accuracy becomes more important), a rune crossbow is also a good option. You can also use the classic Ahrim’s/melee combination. It’s also highly suggested to use ancient magicks, as it has the highest magic max hit for most magic levels and the possibility to freeze and damage your opponent at the same time. (God spells actually have the highest max hit at some levels, but those requires the hassle of switching weapons, so they’re not suggested.)

Special Attack. Which special attack weapon to use comes down to personal preference. Possible options are the Dragon dagger, Granite maul, Dragon claws and Armadyl godsword. A very useful special weapon for when you’re hunted is the Seercull bow, because it lowers your opponent’s magic level. Its special attack also isn’t affected by the stats decrease which normally happens to the hunted. It’s suggested to use Rune arrows with it, as you hit significantly higher and more often and you’re losing only a few of them.

Familiars. Familiars aren’t very useful here, especially combat familiars, as they will only attack your opponent if he is attacking you, so it won’t help you when you’re the hunter. Healing familiars also aren’t very useful, as matches don’t last long enough to have any real effect from the healing over time. Healing familiars also tend to be targeted by people who train magic a lot. The exception to this are level 80 titans - they won’t be killed quickly and have a pretty good healing effect. There are two other kinds of familiars which can be helpful. First are the run energy replenishers (bull ant and terrorbird). If you like to run around a lot, they’re probably the best familiars, because their scrolls replenish run energy. Second are the level increasers, most notably the Obsidian golem's strength boosting scrolls. Other options are the War Tortoise (for its' defence boosting scroll) and the Wolpertinger (for its' magic boosting scroll). However, these are far less useful. As defence hardly matters, the War Tortoise isn’t very useful and the Wolpertinger is only useful if you have less then 94 magic (which most people with 92 summoning do).

Three different possible outfits are presented here: void ranged/magic, ranged/magic (non-void), and melee/magic.

Void Ranged/Magic
Fog Void Set

This outfit is best when your ranged, magic and melee levels are all approximately the same. In your inventory, have your special attack weapon, a Void melee helm (if you have one), a Seercull with arrows, a Rune crossbow, a Spottier cape, Boots of lightness and summoning scrolls (if needed). The Rune defender is used for the special attack weapon. Only use it if you can switch multiple equipment pieces without wasting a combat round. The Rune crossbow is used when your opponent is running on the edges (where his stats are hardly reduced) and can’t be damaged with the low ranged and magic attack of this outfit. The Spottier cape and Boots of lightness are used when you’re searching for or hiding from your opponent. If you think you'll do fine with lower ranged and/or magic bonus, you could change some equipment for strength boosting gear. Suggested is: Berserker ring, Fire cape, Rune defender (in that order).
Ranged/Magic (Non-Void)
Fog Oufit Mystic
It’s impossible to determine the best mix of equipment here for each player, so you should just experiment yourself. Ranged attack, magic attack and strength bonus are most important. Inventory is the same as the void one. Note that Ahrim's has the same negative ranged attack as normal melee gear and therefore it's suggested to use infinity or mystic.
Fog Outfit Ahrims

It’s worth noting Ahrim’s robeskirt is very heavy (10.5 kg), while infinity and mystic bottoms are only 1 kg. Try switching them if you find yourself out of energy a lot. Also, try to avoid using a godsword, both an Abyssal whip and a Saradomin sword will deal more damage per hour. The inventory is the same as the void one, but without the Rune crossbow. You could add some Karil’s or dragonhide armour for better magic and ranged defence if you wish.
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The Hunter

Fog Hunter Start

If you don't get a message that your stats are reduced, you know you're the hunter.

Orb Charge. A possible tactic is to immediately use your tele-orb at the start of the round and run to your opponent’s spawn point as quickly as possible (this is always exactly opposite of the side you start on). This is to prevent your opponent from hiding. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll almost always be able to catch your opponent before he has run off the screen, preferably with ancient spells. If you’re doing this, pay close attention to your minimap: as soon as you see an arrow somewhere, run towards it. If your opponent is running you may not be able to hit him with your low ranged and magic bonus (if you’re not using the Ahrim's setup). Then equip your crossbow and just start ranging him. In F2P this problem won’t occur as a Maple shortbow is usually strong enough to still hit your opponent.

Run to Spawn Point. Even if you don’t orb charge, it’s suggested to run to your opponent’s spawn point if he doesn’t appear at the centre. If he is still standing at this spawn point, he’ll probably teleport the moment you come close, or attack him. It’s handy to have clicked “attack X”, before he teleports, so you’ll automatically run towards him after the teleport. It’s suggested not to start with your special attack, because if he teleports right after you’ve attacked him, he won’t get hit, but your special energy will be wasted.

Attack in the Centre. In almost every FOG game, your opponent will at some point hide in the crowd at the centre. Look at the minimap to see which pile he is in, then try standing in the crowd right next to him. He won’t have any clue which attack style you’re using, so if you’re just mixing up your attack styles a lot, you definitely won’t be prayed against. Usually they will move out of the crowd, so they can see how bad they’re getting hit. Now just make sure to attack whatever style he’s not praying against and kill him as quickly as possible.

Get Un-Stuck. Sometimes your opponent will run around to get you stuck (read how to do it yourself in the next section). This tactic is usually used with the two little rocks very close to the centre and the houses (only in F2P). If he is doing this, try to keep a right click attack option open all the time. This way, you can immediately charge him again when you get stuck. So click “attack X” and immediately right click him again and hover your mouse above “attack X”; as soon as you get stuck, click it. This can also be used in combination with spells to avoid his protection prayers. However, try to avoid the bind, snare and entangle spells. It's very important to kill your opponent as quickly as possible and those spells don't do any damage.

Search pattern. Your opponent may manage to escape you and hide somewhere. This will usually happen if you’re too slow at your opponent’s spawn point. First go back to the centre and recharge your run energy. Now run a circle just around the houses (remember to equip your Boots of lightness and/or spottier cape) and pay a lot of attention to your minimap, as that’s where you’ll probably spot him first. This is to make sure he isn’t hiding just out of sight of the centre. If he hides near the centre and you don’t find him quickly, he’ll get a lot of charges. If you haven’t found him, return to the centre to replenish your run energy. Now, run a big half of a circle through the arena, make sure you can see the edges on your minimap. If a lot of people are playing, you need to make a bigger circle, as the people on the edge of the minimap won’t appear. This is because RS can only show a certain amount of people at the same time (this is also important when your opponent uses the houses, see next paragraph). If you haven’t found him, return to the centre to check if he has returned and recharge your run energy. Now run the other half of a circle through the arena. Be sure to thoroughly check the very eastern edge, as people tend to hide there often, especially when they haven’t used their orb. In those cases, they’ll probably teleport as soon as they see you.

Watch the Houses. Usually people find it very annoying when their opponent hides in a house. However, there is an easy way to deal with it. There is one spot on the northern side of the centre (at the head of arrow on below minimap) from which you can see all the exits of the houses on your minimap (red dots). Stand there and just wait until they appear. Be careful though, sometimes your opponent is quick and already teleported or ran off before you arrived at this spot. So don't wait for too long.

Fog House Avoiding

This trick can’t be used if there are too many people playing, as people on the edges of the minimap won’t appear in those cases. Then you’ll just have to make tiny circles around the centre. Don’t wander too far off, as your opponent may escape into one of the houses you can’t see from that point. Another useful tactic is to run across the arena opposite from the house your opponent went into. Usually they stay in the same house and run away to the edge the moment you run off. Now all you have to do is go back to that edge again and you’ve found him. This doesn’t always work, though, so in the worst case you’ll have to start searching again.

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The Hunted

Fog Hunted Start

When you get the message that your stats are reduced, you know you’re the hunted. The goal of the hunted is to collect as many charges as you can, which means staying away from your bloodthirsty opponent as long as possible. The first thing you should do is get a stone from a dispenser and equip it. After that, it mostly comes down to personal preference.

Note: it’s impossible to describe all hiding tactics and the usage of all the obstacles in the arena, so feel free to experiment with them.

Run and Hide. A good place to hide is the exact opposite of where you started. Run around the edges until you’re on the other side. Exactly where to stand and wait just comes down to personal preference. One option is to stand just inside the circle where the houses are. You’ll get 15 charges per tick, but the downside is you’ll be spotted faster. The upside of this tactic is you won’t be seen from the centre if it’s fairly busy, because there are too many people (see The Hunter section).

Fog Northern Wall

The Wall. Another possibility is to stand north of the wall in the northern area of the arena (above picture). The upside about this place is you just get 10 charges per tick (but only on the yellow line, one step away and you get 5) and your opponent won’t be able to shoot spells or arrows over it. If he targets you and you quickly move around, he’ll still be stuck on the north side of the wall and you can run undisturbed to the centre. This requires a bit of practice though; the best way to practice is with the little bricks near the centre (explained below). Of course this hiding tactic doesn’t work very well if you spawned north.

Eastern Edge. This option is useful if you save your tele-orb. Stand in the eastern part of the arena, as far away from the centre as possible. Even though you get very few charges, you can teleport when your opponent arrives, giving you some free time at the centre.

The Centre. Whatever tactic you choose, you will spend some time in the centre of the arena, which allows you to get the most charges. It’s really useful to hide in the crowd first, as it will take your opponent some time to find you. When your opponent has found you, it’s suggested to move out of the crowd, so you can see what attack style he’s using and pray against it. Praying the right protection prayer is very important: one lucky special attack (not prayed against) can mean the difference between winning and losing. If your opponent is ranging or maging, move away from him. Then when he goes for a melee spec, you'll have more time to switch prayers.

Rocks. The rocks near the centre are perfect for avoiding your opponent's melee attacks, but still gaining maximum charges from the centre. Basically you can run around them so your opponent gets stuck on the other side. The best way to learn is to see other people do it, or by just experimenting yourself. They are also very good for avoiding melee special attacks by mages and rangers; just stand next to a rock and quickly hide behind it when they come running towards you. Below is an example picture of how to use rocks, but note this is definitely not the only way and doesn’t nearly describe all possible options:

Fog Northern Rock2

This example assumes that your opponent is using melee, and is coming from the south, and you’re standing at the northern rock. Stand either directly northwest or northeast of the rock (blue spot). Once he has targeted you and comes running towards you, quickly walk to exactly north of the rock (white spot). If done well, he’ll now be trapped on the south side of the rock (yellow spot). If you were a little late, he’ll be either directly west or directly east of the rock, still trapped so he can’t attack you (red spot). The rest of the example will be like you trapped him at the yellow spot. Now he’ll probably target you again, so he’ll be running along the west side of the rock to attack you. Now quickly move to the east side of the rock. If you were very quick, he’ll be trapped at the west side of the rock (black spot), otherwise he’ll come attacking you from the north side and you can quickly run to the south of the rock (yellow spot) trapping him directly north of the rock (white spot).

Block Using Houses. Another option to escape from your opponent's magic and ranged attacks is to run around the houses:

Fog House Running

This works the same as the normal obstacles, but the houses are a lot bigger. The downside is it’s more difficult to trap your opponent in the first place (as you need a lot of space between you and him). On the upside, once you’ve become familiar with this tactic, you can trap your opponent time and time again without too much trouble, by just (almost) continuously running around. This tactic is commonly used by hardcore free to play FoG players. However it has little use in members, as weapons do a lot more damage and you probably get more charges by just standing at the centre and tanking hits the whole time.

Hide in Houses. The last possible tactic is to use the houses - however, you will not get charges while you are inside. This tactic is best used on the south-western house, because is furthest away from the others. Go into the house and either quickly go into the teleporter, or wait till your opponent has run off to check the other houses. When he is out of sight on the minimap, exit and run away. Then either wait in the centre until he appears, or use the hiding tactic described earlier. If your opponent is smart and stands close by or at one of the spots described earlier, don’t wait too long inside.

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The rewards, with the cost (in Fist of Guthix tokens), repair cost and level requirements for each piece of equipment can be seen below.

Fog Rewards All

Please note that you can't sell the rewards until they are uncharged. If you would like to sell an item before it becomes uncharged, simple use it on Reggie the reward seller and he will ask if you want him to uncharge it for you.

More detailed information for each item can be found in the relevant guides - Combat guide, Magic guide, Fishing guide, Herblore guide, Runecrafting guide, and Slayer guide.

Along with this you will also get some rating points, which show how good you are at playing the game. If you have over 500 points, you will be displayed on the highscores for Fist of Guthix.

Fog Rating

Have fun outwitting your opponent and gaining ranks in the highscores table!

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Hybrid Armour

Hybrid armour is a possible reward from playing 5 of the combat based mini-games. Each of the armours require level 85 in three of the following skills: Strength, Defence, Magic, and Ranged. There are three sets of this armour, which are called Battle-mage (Mage/Melee), Trickster (Range/Mage) and Vanguard (Melee/Range). Whilst in the normal game, these sets of armour are purely cosmetic. However, in Castle Wars, Fist of Guthix, Soul Wars and TzHaar Fight Pits, they deal additional damage to other players. This damage is calculated per item of armour.

Each of the games only give a certain piece of each of the three sets. By playing games of Fist of Guthix you have a random chance of gaining a pair of gloves of your choice from the sets. Hybrid armour is not tradeable.

Hybrid Armour Gloves
Pic Name Stats
Level Class Armour Bonus Lifepoints
Battle-mage Gloves Battle-mage gloves 85 Hybrid 108 0
Trickster Gloves Trickster gloves
Vanguard Gloves Vanguard gloves


Original Guide by: Wizard111111

Special thanks to: Wachtwoord, Jimmyw3000

Thanks to: Beethovens29, bluehooloovo, Cabales Mage, D3st1ny, F4c3, Jaffy1, mchainmail, pokemama, Sean H 95, unorclan, Vhellcat, Vulxai

Last Updated by: Arceus

Last updated: 16-Aug-2015

RuneScape 2007
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