Ice Maze

By Senor_Tamale

Located in the depths of White Wolf Mountain north-west of Taverley, this dungeon plays an important role in the Heroes' quest where you need to kill the Ice Queen for her ice gloves.

To reach the dungeon, see the surface map and explanations at the end of this page. Make sure you bring a pickaxe if you want to use a better one than that on your toolbelt. Note that the ice spiders do NOT show on your minimap. Some players train on the Ice Warriors by the Ice Queen, but beware - this area is multi-combat.

Ice Maze Ice Warrior (Level 57) Ice Warrior (Level 57) Ice Warrior (Level 57) Ice Warrior (Level 57) Ice Queen (Level 111) Ice Spider (Level 61) Ice Spider (Level 61) Ice Spider (Level 61) Ice Spider (Level 61)

Dungeon Monsters
Ice Warrior: Level 57
Ice Spider: Level 61
Ice Queen: Level 111


Surface Map
You reach the initial ladders on the mountain after using a pickaxe to break through some rocks (level 50 mining is needed). There are Ice Giants on all three ladder areas. Go down the ladder marked #1 on the surface map. Navigate your way through the yellow ladders marked 2, 3, 4 and 5, going up to the surface and back down again to reach the next. The brown ladders lead to dead ends, and the red ladders put you off the mountain entirely.

Quest Heroes Whitewolf

Thanks To: Baffler, bluehooloovo, Kimberly, pokemama

RuneScape 2007
Find this page on the Internet Archive with a date as close to Aug 10, 2007 as possible.

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