Sprite lure

Sprite lure Examine: A lure used to hunt charm sprites. Weight: 1.00 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: Cannot be alchemised Low alchemy: Cannot be alchemised
Location: Can be purchased for 2000 GP with 72 Hunter from Yaktwee Swinmari Cianta south-west of the Gnome Stronghold in the Charm sprite hunter area.
Uses: With the Sprite lure in your inventory, click on a shaking Neverberry bush and you will automatically throw it near the bush. Use your Yaktwee stick to target the Sprite lure on the ground to make Charm Sprites visible. Once visible, click the Charm sprite to get a charm slice from it.
Notes: Once the lure is on the ground next to a bush the bag in your inventory is called a Sprite lure bag and the examine is: A bag for holding a sprite lure in.

The Sprite lure on the ground has an examine of: Use your Yaktwee stick on this to make charm sprites visible.

The Sprite lure will return to the bag automatically whether or not you successfully target it to make a Charm sprite visible, or if it is placed on the ground and you exit the game it will return to the bag and game chat says: Your lure returns, unused.
Links: Hunter Guide
Tags: Hunter, Tool
Credits: Vhellcat
Last updated: 28-Oct-2012
RuneScape 2007
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