The Tip.It Times

Issue 18 99gp

The Horrors of the Underground Pass

An accompanying article written by Necromagus and edited by Tip.It

The Underground Pass quest was introduced in early 2003 as one of the last quests of the RSC era. It is memorable for several reasons. First of all it was another chapter in the Pl...

A Dying Flame

A fictional article written by N0M_AN0R and edited by Tip.It

Craymer’s heart nearly stopped as a shadow, dark even in the perennial twilight of Meiyerditch, passed overhead. He pressed himself against the wall and counted to ten, straining...

Did you know…

... that there are stepping stones across the River Lum from the Champions Guild to near Draynor Manor? You'll need 31 agility to use them. (Thanks Bramady)

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