The Tip.It Times

Issue 182 99gp

Ali the Poet, Part I

A fictional article written by Crocefisso and edited by Hamtaro

As is often the case with the enigmatic culture of the desert peoples, their poetry has remained a mystery to the outside world for millennia. It was only thanks to the unfavourable conditions of the...

Soul Reason, Part 2

A fictional article written by 5o1 and edited by Hamtaro

Nomad leapt from his throne, landing catlike on the stone floor, cape flying madly. He flew at me, staff whirling, magic firing and sparking at me. I stumbled backwards, unprepared for the onslaught...

Did you know…

...that you can view the world map and adjust your RuneScape graphics and audio settings while resting in-game? (Thanks to Jaffy1!)

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