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Field Original Correction
Name Night-gazer Khighorahk
Race Stalker
Levels 0 - 302 -
Req. Dung. Level 51
Attack type Ranged+Magic
Weakness --
Boss Monster Yes
Poisonous No
Members No
Frozen Abandoned I Furnished Abandoned II Occult Warped
No No Yes No No No
Examine The eyes! THE EYES!
Notes This boss uses both magic and ranged attacks. It primarily uses a single-target projectile attack, which can be either magic-based or ranged-based. If you pray against magic, it will exclusively use ranged projectiles, and vice versa. If you don't use protection prayers, it will use both types of projectiles.

The Night-gazer occasionally floats up in the air and spins around, after which it will target all players in the room with a magic-based projectile. This attack deals a solid amount damage and drains 30% run energy. If you start praying against magic when you see the boss spin around, you can avoid taking damage, but your run energy will be drained regardless.

The boss' signature move is a powerful special attack. It will glow, rise into the air and then slam down on the ground, potentially inflicting over 700 damage to players standing in melee range. To avoid the attack, simply move away at least one square when you see the boss glow. If you range the boss, you can safely ignore this attack. If nobody is in melee range, the Night-gazer will not use this attack.

You must light at least one of the pillars in his room to effectively harm the boss. This does not require a tinderbox. Lighting more than one pillar will weaken the boss, increasing the amount of damage you inflict. The pillars will go out after a little while, so be sure to relight them.

After you deplete the boss' life points, it will fully heal itself. At this point, all the pillars become permanently lit, and the boss will gain a new multi-target magic attack. It also gains a new special attack, where it will open its mouth and blast a player with energy, causing some magic damage and possibly stunning them. If you pray against magic you will avoid taking damage, though you may be stunned regardless. If you get stunned in melee range, be sure to heal up, as you will be unable to run away from the boss' special attack. The boss will die once you've depleted its life points a second time.
Smuggler's Notes Night-gazer Khighorahk is a stalker that cloaks itself in a shield of shadows. Illumination is its weakness, so keep the torches in the corners of the room lit. This will weaken it and, when weakened fully, it'll make its last stand.

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Were you wearing a Ring of wealth: Yes Unsure No
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