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Field Original Correction
Name M. and thok letter (completion)
Examine Not applicable.
Location This is a dialogue, not an actual item. The dialogue is unlocked by talking to Thok, the Master of Dungeoneering found south of Daemonheim, after collecting all of the M. and thok letters.
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Uses Listen to it to learn more about what happened to Marmaros and Thok.
Notes The dialogue is as follows:

You: I managed to find all your letters.
Thok: Marm! Marm, wake up. Thok was wrong: someone managed to find our letters!
Marmaros: W... What - all of them? You... You know we made it to bottom of that place?
You: You must have done. The letters go all the way down to the lowest floors.
Marm: I can't believe it! Do, you know what ha... happened to me? Why I have trouble thinking? Why I can't even sl... sleep for fear?
You: Neither of you remember? Your letters aren't clear, but it was like someone pulled a plug and drained Marmaros of all hope and optimism. You became suicidal, and Thok had to stop you hurting yourself by breaking your arms.
Thok: Not remember that at all, but it feel true. Thok and Marm can't remember what happened at bottom of the halls at all, [your name]. Memory a mess, like when Thok fell asleep in keg of stout.
You: You wrote that somebody saved you and brought you back here: a man with a...white beard, I think you said. I guess he must have-
Marm: A white beard? No, it couldn't be...
Thok: Haha, look! Marm must be getting better: he using his head again!
You: What is it?
Marm: I... I can't be sure, but I might have an idea of who this man with a white beard is. There's someone I need to talk to...someone who has a lot of explaining to do.
Thok: But for now, Thok have work to do, and mustn't exhaust Marm from excitement. You have thanks, [your name]. Thok will sing your name at tonight's eveningtide.
Links Dungeoneering Guide
Tags Book, Dungeoneering
Unlocked by Quest No Members Yes
Tradeable No Stackable No
Alchable Yes Weight 0.00
High alch price 0 General sells 0
Low alch price 0 Spec shop sells 0
Heals 0 GE Buy Limit 0
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