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Field Original Correction
Name Memoriam crystal 02
Examine A blue crystal used to store information.
Location Found east of the elder tree patch on the south side of the house in Prifddinas.
Made by
Used in
Uses Can be added on the Memoriam device (upstairs in the tower of voices).
Notes Once added you can review the memory this crystal holds:

I wept for so long when my beloved Ceidwad died. It had been mere decades, but her body had grown decrepit and failed her. How is this fair - that Zaros and I get to live forever, but these noble creatures do not? Why must they wither and die, simply because of the passage of time? Their lives are so brief; they deserve more. I must fix this. I shall give them the gift of time. Music sat at the heart of elven culture. I have devised a method to share my essence with them through sound. In this way, they will accept and embrace my gift. Just enough to give them a measure of my longevity. Let their lives be measured in centuries, not decades. My priests have spread the song and already I can see them growing healthier. They're calling it the 'Song of Creation' not quite apt, but it has a nice ring to it. Now my elves will live the long lives they deserve.
Unlocked by Quest No Members Yes
Tradeable No Stackable No
Alchable No Weight 0.00
High alch price 0 General sells 0
Low alch price 0 Spec shop sells 0
Heals 0 GE Buy Limit 0
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