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Field Original Correction
Name Rune heraldic helm -Horse-
Examine The colours represent the Mythical 'horse'
Location Made from a rune full helm on a pluming stand, shield easel, or banner easel when your family crest is set to Horse.
Made by Crafting Rune full helm - requires level 38 Crafting.
Used in
Uses Decorative protection equivalent to rune.
Notes You do not have to use your own pluming stand, shield easel or banner easel in order to make this helm. You may use someone else's if they allow you to. You must have a toy horsey in your inventory while speaking with the Herald in order to choose this crest. Crested helms are untradeable and cannot be repainted.
Links Heraldic Equipment
Tags Armour, Head, Melee
Unlocked by Quest No Members Yes
Tradeable No Stackable No
Alchable Yes Weight 2.00
High alch price 21120 General sells 44704
Low alch price 14080 Spec shop sells 35200
Heals 0 GE Buy Limit 0
Item Stats
Damage 0 Life Bonus 0
Accuracy 0 Armour 170
Level 50 Prayer Bonus 0
Style: -- Strength Bonus 0
Type: Melee Ranged Bonus 0
Speed: -- Magic Bonus 0
Ammo: -- Equipment Slot: Helmet
Special Attack
Skill Requirements
Agility 0 Prayer 0
Attack 0 Ranged 0
Constitution 0 Strength 0
Defence 50 Summoning 0
Magic 0
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Note: If you want to submit a monster that drops this particular item, please do so via our Bestiary database.

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