King Black Dragon and Kalphite Queen Coinshare! » 

King Black Dragon and Kalphite Queen

The Tip.It Monster Hunting Team has another epic event in store for you! This weekend on Saturday February 11th we will be massing the KBD and the Kalphite Queen!

Kalphite Queen
Date: Saturday 11th February
Time: 11AM PST - 1PM CST - 2PM EST - 7PM GMT
Host/Friend Chat: Octarine
Co-Hosts: Ezkaton, Ambler3
Server/Meeting Location: We will meet at the Shantay pass on a world that will be announced in the friends chat before the event.

Kalphite Queen Countdown

King Black Dragon
Date: Saturday 11th February
Time: 7PM PST - 9PM CST - 10PM EST - 3AM GMT - 2PM ACT (on Sunday 12th February)
Host/Friend Chat: Komodo Jo
Co-Host: Dark X Nick
Server/Meeting Location: We will meet in Edgeville on a world that will be announced in the friends chat before the event.

Kalphite Queen Countdown

For more information, including recommended equipment/inventory set ups and specific travel routes, visit our forum thread.

Let Them Eat Pie! » 

Today we are pleased to announce the release of our newest quest guide: Let Them Eat Pie. Thank you to BloodAngel for his work on this guide. As always, we encourage you to also check out our Quest Experience Guide and our Quest Calculator for all your questing needs!

Tip.It Times » 

A new issue of the Tip.It Times is available.

We have three articles for your viewing pleasure this week! Our Editorial is called So Much for the Easy Part. In this article, Arceus takes a look at the in-game rules of RuneScape and how many of them could be improved and/or clarified. Our Guest Editorial written by NukeMarine is titled Rebooting RuneScape (On a Few Servers). The author talks about creating new servers that essentially start RuneScape from scratch, with wiped stats, bank accounts, and economies. Last but not least, we have a Fictional titled Scarred Remains. The author Taha tells a story of a poor RuneScapian who lost his family to the Black Arm Gang!

After taking a read through the articles, don't forget to discuss, debate and share opinions about them on the forum topic!

Second Saradomin Hunt! » 

In addition to our first Saradomin Monster Hunt, the Tip.It Monster Hunting Team has planned a second hunt!

Boss: Saradomin GWD
Time & Date: Sunday, February 5th at 7PM PST / 9PM CST / 10PM EST / 3AM GMT / 2PM ACT
Friends Chat: Dark X Nick
Server To be determined at time of event. Join friend chat when event starts to find out!
Meeting Location: Meet outside Saradomin GWD boss door. Get kill count before the start of event to be ready to enter 8PM GMT.
Coinshare: Active

For more information including recommended equipment/inventory set ups, visit our forum thread.


Saradomin Slaughter Monster Hunt » 

Tip.It Monster Hunting Team

Join the Tip.It Monster Hunting Team on Saturday, February 4th at 8PM GMT for a Saradomin GWD hunt. Join the friend chat Crazy Dunger to discover which world we'll be using for the event. Before the event starts, head to the Saradomin GWD boss door and be sure to get your kill count up!

For more information including other time zones and recommended inventory/equipment set ups, visit our forum thread.


Tip.It Times » 

A new issue of the Tip.It Times is available.

Alg writes our editorial this week discussing the future of quest requirements. In the article RuneScape: Hard mode, he discusses various ideas to solve the quest requirements dilemma. In the fictional article First and Last Things, Crocefisso brings us a tale from the Eastern Lands.

After taking a read through the articles, don't forget to discuss, debate and share opinions about them on the forum topic!

Yet another completed revamp! » 

The Tip.It Crew is proud to present our new Tzhaar Caves Guide, which had its Fight Caves section rewritten to include new set-ups and strategies. If you don't have that fire cape yet, or want to try a quicker and newer method to get another one, have a look at our guide to be fully prepared to slay TzTok-Jad!

Special thanks to Octarine19 for his stellar work on this guide!

New BBCodes available on the forums! » 

We are very pleased to present three brand new BBCodes for your enjoyment! Usable anywhere on the forums, these BBCodes allow you to link items, monsters and even worn item sets from Tip.It's databases. The information will appear right in your post!

Thanks to Dudecrush8 and MageUK for all their hard work to make this possible.

For more information please have a look at this forum post.

Two Days of Zamorak God Wars! » 

Two Days of Zamorak God Wars

Our Tip.It Monster Hunting Team is pleased to present two days of Zamorak God Wars! We will be hosting two events on two separate days to accommodate different time zones! If you want a chance at some epic loot, be sure to join us on at least one day!

For detailed information, including recommended inventory/equipment set ups, please visit our forum thread.

Day One - Friday, January 27th
Time: 6:30PM PST - 9:30PM EST - 2:30AM GMT (on Saturday)
Friends Chat: Dark X Nick
Co-Hosts: Komodo Jo
Meeting Location: Outside the Zamorak boss room in the God Wars Dungeon
World: 48

Day One Countdown

Day Two - Saturday, January 28th
Time: 10AM PST - 1PM EST - 6PM GMT
Friends Chat: Octarine
Co-Hosts: Ambler3, Ezkaton, Dir Ko Maar
Meeting Location: Outside the Zamorak boss room in the God Wars Dungeon
World: TBA - Join friend chat at start of event for details

Day Two Countdown

Farewell From the Tip.It Events Team » 

Farewell TET

As most of you are aware, yesterday officially marked the end of our Tip.It Events Team with our closing event, a Wilderness battle between TET and RS Wiki.

TET began in August 2004. Since then, it has worked to provide the community with fun and exciting events on a regular basis, usually with four events a month. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months we have seen a large shift in the community. People are less interested in "just for fun" events and are more interested in events that will yield some kind of profit or benefit, as made evident by decreasing event attendance levels. While there's nothing wrong with this shift in the community, it has made it difficult for us to continue with TET. So it is with a heavy heart that TET is officially coming to a close.

On behalf of the entire team I would like to thank all past event attendees and hosts. We greatly appreciate your patience and support over the years. We have had a terrific run and have shared some wonderful memories. We have had good times and we have had bad times, but we will never forget all the fun that was had and the support that we received from our community. We hope that our great event memories will continue to live on in the months and years to come.

For those of you who are still interested in fun events, just look around! RuneScape is still bustling with events. Keep an eye on the RSOF or even get your friends together to start an event of your own! RuneScape is what you make it so get out there and 'Bring on the Fun' Thumbsup Emoticon

Everyone is welcome to share their TET memories and old screenshots in our forum thread.

The Tip.It Events Team

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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