New rs2 quest and Scapeboard guides section » 

18th May 2004 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting

City life doesn't suit everyone, which is why Rantz and the rest of his ogre family have set up residence on the east coast in a cosy little cave with a nice view of the sea.
However, independence comes at a cost. There's no more easy meals for the family and they currently have a hankering for Chompy Bird, a favourite delicacy of ogres.
Rantz is keen to start the Chompy Bird hunting season, but can't get started. He's all fingers and thumbs when it comes to making ogre arrows for his huge ogre bow.
Is there someone kind and experienced enough with fletching to go help him and his starving family?

Taken from
We have introduced a guides forum to scapeboard, which the crew will post guides as soon as they get them, so if you are looking for a guide which isn't on yet, try looking there. Once the guides are uploaded to our site, they will be removed from that particular area.

This is part of our plan to get guides to the public quicker, and not having to wait for uploads, etc.

Any questions should be directed to myself, any scapeboard admins or another crew member.

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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