Blue dragon

Blue dragon

"A mother dragon."
Race: Dragon Level: 74 Life points: 5000 Ratio: 6.76
Attack type: Melee+Magic+Dragonfire Max Hit: 349 Aggressive: No Retreats: No
Poisonous: No Members: Yes Quest monster: No Weakness: Bolts
  • Taverley Dungeon
  • Heroes' Guild Basement
  • Ogre Enclave in Gutanoth, Ogre city.
  • Kuradal's Dungeon
  • Taverley resource dungeon
  • Drops:

    Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].

    Notes: The blue dragon uses its magic bolt when being attacked from a distance and sometimes when at close range. For rangers be sure to bring plenty of food, as these can hit regularly and with a fair amount of damage. Their fire breath can also hit long range so make sure to bring your [anti]dragonfire shield.

    Blue dragons can be assigned as a slayer task by Sumona, Chaeldar and Kuradal. They drop green charms more often than charms of any other colour.

    Note that a dragon egg dropped from this monster will grow into a baby Blue Dragon pet (see Summoning Guide - Pets).

    * The ferocious ring can only be obtained as a drop in Kuradal's Dungeon. The unpolished blue dragon tail-bone is a special bone that drops after completion of the Fur 'n' Seek quest, that cannot be buried. The perfect blue dragon scale is only dropped during Vannaka's Slayer Challenge.
    **Dropped only during the fifth combat task for your God Emissary.
    Credits: 02jpowell, 70sshow101, abomb67, Acolyte, Ahmet29992, andy bob2, Aurhora, badbad buffy, BattleThingz, bladepower, bluehooloovo, boomstick08, Brady, Bringemout08, Caleb, Cheekyboy330, chumley9, Coolyo400, damianara, Darkblade986, Darkwitchery, DJ Rainbow, Drakos, Eeeeediot, emers8529, Ginger Warrior, Headnazgul, hohto, Huntdragons9, iLove Carpet, imjosh, inferno_char, Jaffy1, Jard_Y_Dooku, JaydenPG13, Kaejer, killer_bowey, Kimberly, kool-04, Lady_Shahdie, Laneyboi, Leik, london51, misplacedme, Natmichyd, Necromagus, Nik, Ninja Tacoh, NotAPlatypus, Omnitec, parker15146, pk__scottish, Rien Adelric, Ryl, Sacramagus, Saradomin_Mage, Scoopy18, Scot, seagull3428, Son of Judas, stan18, Swifty Mcvae, TheBlazikenMaster, tig69, tom9405, Tsarmina, Valinoe, Vambified, VonMedo, Warriormonkx, warrior nr13
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