"An impling baby. Aaah..." |
Race: Impling |
Level: 0 |
Life points: 0 |
Ratio: 0 |
Attack type: Unknown |
Max Hit: 0 |
Aggressive: No |
Retreats: No |
Poisonous: No |
Members: Yes |
Quest monster: No |
Weakness: -- |
Found randomly on the surface of RuneScape or inside Puro-Puro. |
- Misc: Air talisman
Anchovies ,
Ball of wool ,
Bowstring ,
Bucket of milk ,
Cheese ,
Chisel ,
Flax ,
Hammer ,
Hard leather ,
Knife ,
Lobster ,
Mud pie ,
Needle ,
Sapphire ,
Seaweed ,
Silver bar ,
Spice ,
Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].
Requires level 17 Hunter to catch.
Can be caught either with a butterfly net or a magic butterfly net with an impling jar or barehanded with or without a impling jar. Implings cannot be caught barehanded inside of Puro-Puro.
metaldeath1, Salleh |