"It has been freed from the logs you were burning."
Race: Elemental
Level: 0
Life points: 0
Ratio: 0
Attack type: Unknown
Max Hit: 0
Aggressive: No
Retreats: No
Poisonous: No
Members: Yes
Quest monster: No
Weakness: --
Evolution of Combat note
The combat stats of this monster may have changed since the Evolution of Combat update, and have not yet been confirmed in the live game. You can help the community by verifying the information in-game and then
submit a report with your findings.
Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].
Has a random chance of spawning when a magic log, cursed magic log, or blisterwood log is used on a bonfire. Simply clicking on it will reward you with some of the items above.