Wall beast
"A big scary hand!" |
Race: Animal |
Level: 47 |
Life points: 1700 |
Ratio: 3.62 |
Attack type: Melee |
Max Hit: 136 |
Aggressive: Yes |
Retreats: No |
Poisonous: No |
Members: Yes |
Quest monster: No |
Weakness: Water Spells |
Lumbridge Cave |
- Gold: 15
- Armour: Adamant helm
Black full helm ,
Bronze full helm ,
Bronze med helm ,
Iron med helm ,
Light mystic hat ,
Mithril full helm ,
Mithril helm ,
Steel full helm ,
Steel gauntlets ,
Steel helm
- Runes: Air rune
Chaos rune (3,7),
Cosmic rune (2),
Nature rune (2)
- Misc: Bullseye lantern -Lensless-
Clue scroll (medium) ,
Eye of newt ,
Grimy guam ,
Lantern lens ,
Loop half of a key ,
Shield left half ,
[Spirit gem]  ,
Tinderbox ,
Tooth half of a key ,
[Uncut gem]   ,
Unlit torch
- Charms: Blue charm
Crimson charm (1),
Gold charm (1),
Green charm (1)
Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].
You must have 35 slayer and a spiney helmet, spiked helmet, or slayer helmet to kill this monster.
If you are not wearing a spiny helmet, it will grab you by the head and hurt you. You will not be able to fight it.
It is possible to pass a wall beast safely without the helmet. You need to stand one space in front of the wall beast's guarded space and then run one space past the wall beast's space.
Wall beasts are immune to poison. |
13th murder, 711homicide, abomb67, Adam007, Adamchrisp, Angelz Faith, Cute pikachu, dinak66, fireball9050, Headnazgul, Kwimbob, MirjaHasan, Misplacedme, soulfly_nl, Turk Mage33, uber_n00blet, Warriormonkx |
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