"A ball of electrical energy." "An angry electrical shock!" |
Race: Elemental |
Level: 61 |
Life points: 2200 |
Ratio: 3.61 |
Attack type: Magic+Magic-based Melee+Ranged |
Max Hit: 154 |
Aggressive: No |
Retreats: No |
Poisonous: No |
Members: Yes |
Quest monster: No |
Weakness: Crush |
Go through the rift in the top floor of Draynor Manor to enter. |
- Gold: 11-211
- 100%: Impious ashes

- Weapon: Air battlestaff
Dragon spear ,
Earth battlestaff ,
Fire battlestaff ,
Mystic fire staff ,
Rune javelin (5),
Staff of air ,
Staff of fire
- Runes: Air rune
Chaos rune (4),
Death rune (2),
Fire rune (18-63),
Nature rune (8,12,37),
Steam rune (2)
- Misc: Ashes
Cannonball (3),
Fire orb (2-3),
[Grimy herb]          ,
Loop half of a key ,
Nature talisman ,
Pie dish ,
Shield left half ,
Soda ash (4),
[Spirit gem]  ,
Starved ancient effigy ,
Tooth half of a key ,
[Uncut gem]   
- Charms: Blue charm
Crimson charm (1),
Gold charm (1),
Green charm (1)
Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].
They use a ranged attack in addition to a melee attack. Both attacks are very accurate for a monster of this level and armour doesn't seem to affect them much. Level 37 Slayer and equipped insulated boots are required to fight these.
Upon clicking on these (not actually hitting them), they change form from floating to walking.
These monsters have a fast attack rate, so expect them to hit you more times than you will hit them.
The Ernest the Chicken quest is required to access these monsters. |
abomb67, Adam007, a herring333, angellarps, crackfox04, Enma Daio, fire_man_661, Freezepop91, Freshsprite, gliese581g, Headnazgul, Hikaru_Flame, INVERTEX, irishwolf, Jake_Corsair, J_Gaming, Kebrekor, king denz0, MeatNutts, Narccius, pottieface, Raphman, RoswellCrash, runewinner39, s1nister, shunt1801, Spooferfish, STOKES252, Suiku_fv, The Agowilt, thebigcheez, the_best371, Uk_Woody, Valleh, X_Purenerd_X |
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