Vampyre Juvenile

Vampyre Juvenile

"He looks really hungry!"
Race: Vampyre Level: 80 Life points: 2000 Ratio: 2.5
Attack type: Melee Max Hit: 160 Aggressive: No Retreats: Yes
Poisonous: No Members: Yes Quest monster: No Weakness: Water Spells
Habitat: East of Burgh de Rott.

Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].

Notes: While technically one can't kill these monsters, by using the Rod of Ivandis on a vampyre under half LP and then using a dose of Guthix Balance Potion on the vampyre, it will return to human form and give any of these items in noted form (if possible).
Credits: abomb67, Adam007, bluehooloovo, captainpoet, damianara, idiot911, Jard Y Dooku, Lowspell, Octarine19, Oergg, sirion, SportsGuy
RuneScape 2007
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