Ice Warrior
"A cold-hearted elemental warrior." "The Ice Queen's Royal Guard." |
Race: Elemental |
Level: 54 |
Life points: 1950 |
Ratio: 3.61 |
Attack type: Melee |
Max Hit: 156 |
Aggressive: Yes |
Retreats: No |
Poisonous: No |
Members: No |
Quest monster: No |
Weakness: Fire Spells |
Ice Caves
Ice Plateau in the wilderness
On White Wolf Mountain
Ice Maze - Weak to Water spells.
Chaos Tunnels |
- Gold: 4-9760
- Weapon: Bronze spear
Dragon spear ,
Iron battleaxe ,
Mithril mace ,
Rune javelin (5),
Rune spear
- Armour: Iron platelegs

- Runes: Blood rune
Chaos rune (2,3),
Cosmic rune (2-3),
Death rune (2),
Law rune (2),
Nature rune (4)
- Ammo: Adamant arrow
Mithril arrow (3)
- Misc: Chaos talisman
Clue scroll (medium) ,
[Grimy herb]          ,
Loop half of a key ,
Nature talisman ,
Shield left half ,
[Spirit gem]  ,
Starved ancient effigy ,
Tooth half of a key ,
Uncut dragonstone ,
[Uncut gem]   
- Seeds: Belladonna seed
Bittercap mushroom spore (1),
Cactus seed (1),
[Herb seed]               (1),
Jangerberry seed (1),
Limpwurt seed (1),
Poison ivy seed (1),
Strawberry seed (1),
Watermelon seed (1),
Whiteberry seed (1),
Wildblood seed (1)
- Charms: Blue charm
Crimson charm (1),
Gold charm (1),
Green charm (1)
Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].
Drops gold charms more than other charms. You will need a pickaxe and level 50 Mining to access these monsters on White Wolf Mountain, unless you're maging or ranging.
2zettapurple, 5m1v3rs, 12zakk, 13th Murder, abomb67, Adam007, aragorn0965, azn987, Baffler, Bloody Robe, bobo_the6th, bryanslife2, bvlilnick00, cool20045, Dark_Xand, Dhargaman, Dragonkng198, Enkidutorix, gravy89, Headnazgul, headspin, hobo bob1989, ikkabenamark, Irish_Geek, Itsjustagame, jaapoor, Jassmond, kazer01, Kelley222, King Cunedda, Ks Jeppe, Luke 598, Metal Master, Misplacedme, Mutantq, oskerr, pkthedreamer, queenvalie, qwert26, RussetAlpha, scarman765, slazenger09, spikeboy023, teddyfangs, the_1_rsking, tzu men, v1i2l3i4, zhou yu 331, Z knight 751 |
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