Black demon

Black demon

"A big, scary, jet-black demon."
Race: Demon Level: 98 Life points: 9000 Ratio: 9.18
Attack type: Magic Max Hit: 304 Aggressive: Yes Retreats: No
Poisonous: No Members: Yes Quest monster: No Weakness: Bolts
  • Brimhaven Dungeon
  • Chaos Tunnels
  • Chaos Tunnels - Resource dungeon
  • Edgeville Dungeon (wilderness part)
  • Taverley Dungeon
  • Drops:

    Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].

    Notes: They are sometimes near poison spiders, so consider bringing an antipoison potion.

    Black demons are weak to ranged attacks. In addition, Silverlight and Darklight deal increased damage to them, though regular high-end weaponry will still outperform either of these swords.

    All black demons have the same charm drop rate. They drop crimson charms more often than other charms.

    *Unlike other Black Demons, the Black Demon encountered during the Grand Tree is weak to Water spells.
    Credits: 5ally, 9mm pat, 17 Pf, AAARRGG, abomb67, Agent F, Aurhora, biox, Black Letter, Bringemout08, bringiton55, caliber467, CautioniFart, cd stomper45, chadisin, Chenjs2, Chunelly, Codguy, Corruptpony, damianara, Dan Zap, daragon10, Darkrock123, Dark side234, Deathman 200, Dea_Angelus, Demonicbladr, discbreaker, Dispo570, Dragonkng198, dragons claw, DyingSilent, Dynomite281, Erichermit, Feanor 5, Fiveironfire, Gandalf14141, Ginger Warrior, GongShow, Gwilym, hackmds, Havingfun, Hawk_man2, Headnazgul, Homga, Hunter_Ghor, icespeller, Icynne, Im Siggy, I negima I, inferno_char, ioffline, iPee freely, Irdmsheep, Jaffy1, Jard_Y_Dooku, johndaymon, Jordan, Khalil, Kuipie, kyendara, Lady_Shahdie, le Baus, Leik, Lil_Boy_Neo, lordinuya999, Magerkidal, Mark Baehr, Marokiii, Meatrocket87, morrowindgek, MRTF, mslayerc, Nightwingsw, Octarine, Odd_Man, Optimus Joll, Orbital909, Oste Bonden, pettern9, Phenx, Pie Flavors, pkarcher613, pokfreak2007, popscar, PraeThorzain, princemoghew, rabidangel, Raggie_Owns, Real 7_Mike, Reiena, remoteman, RobiNHooD, Ronaldoj999, Ryl, Saintkeepers, Salleh, Saradomin_Mage, Savage Shot, Scot, Shortzeus, sikes gurl69, Sirlaser, Skylinedout, Sl4yer D3mon, snowkitten, St1r4ever, stan18, Stealth117, Still sucking, Stinkysteve, supernova131, t0odrunk, Tambah, tanman194, thedalek, TheSeasons, the_best371, The_Bugg, Thomas, tips48, Tree656, T_H_E_Sabre, Ur Mad Haha, Vertical, William Wheeler, worm9009, XamanEk, Xena Dragon, Yrdna, yuna_bird, ZeHaxorNova
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