Mithril dragon

Mithril dragon

"Experimenting with mithril gone bad!"
Race: Dragon Level: 112 Life points: 17800 Ratio: 15.89
Attack type: All Three+Dragonfire Max Hit: 1068 Aggressive: Yes Retreats: No
Poisonous: No Members: Yes Quest monster: No Weakness: Earth Spells
Habitat: Mithril dragons can be found within the Ancient Cavern, near the Baxtorian Falls. To access the cave, you must have completed the firemaking portion of the Barbarian Training miniquest. They can also be found in the Brimhaven Dungeon resource dungeon, requiring completion of the Daemonheim Tasks and the Daemonheim aura 4 to enter.

Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].

Notes: An anti-dragon shield is an absolute must when facing these monsters and a dragonfire shield is recommended! A super antifire potion can also be used to defend yourself against their dragonfire attack. Highly defensive armour that gives a good magic defence bonus and "Protect from Melee" are also strongly advised - these monsters are known to rip through players with 99 defence and Barrows armour! Prayer-boosting equipment may also be helpful. Their magic and ranged attacks can hit for over 180 damage so be wary when standing at a distance. When standing next to them they do not use their ranged attack, only magic, dragonfire, and melee. Please refer to our Mithril Dragon Hunting Guide for more information.

Mithril dragons are immune to poison (unless poisoned by a "Smoke" ancient magick spell) and can sometimes drop multiple items at once. They are the only monster capable of dropping the dragon full helm.

*The ancient page can be added to the notebook you are given by Otto Godblessed. They shed more light on the mysterious Mithril Door. If you use the strange key halves, obtained during the While Guthix Sleeps quest, on a Mithril Dragon, the dragon will merge the key halves into the dragonkin key, which opens the Mithril Door.

**The mithril dragon tail-bone is a special bone dropped after completion of the Fur 'n' Seek quest. You can't bury this bone.
Credits: 0xpx0, 12pure34, Aelita, Aslan, Bartimeyus, Black Dra970, blacksimon, Blingkachi50, Blooorange, bluehooloovo, cam victor, Darkblade986, death3000, deathsight33, Dragonkng198, Drazhar44, Ermin66, Errdoth, Esper_Jones, Flavio, Frochio19, gernis, Ginger Warrior, halo2_rocks7, hasfna, Headnazgul, Ibcrootbeer, Itsjustagame, Jaffy1, JamesJeffery, Jard Y Dooku, Jeremy841, Lalala7324, Leik, Lucas, Merlinemana, mesyn, moneymage3, Nabbagad, nirvana2512, nyosuht, Pat_07_10, Rien_Adelric, Salleh, Samster8812, Scot, Sfontenot, Sirandrew56, sirbadak, sithlord man, Smellysocks, susan20f0, Teamdark2, Volcanical, wislakrakow1, WoodenFruit, ye wa, Yrdna, Zer0 Wa1ker
RuneScape 2007
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