Spiritual Warrior -Saradomin-
"Saradomin's chosen warrior." |
Race: Human |
Level: 98 |
Life points: 7000 |
Ratio: 7.14 |
Attack type: Magic |
Max Hit: 350 |
Aggressive: Yes |
Retreats: No |
Poisonous: No |
Members: Yes |
Quest monster: No |
Weakness: Earth Spells |
God Wars Dungeon - Saradomin's Encampment |
- Weapon: Adamant 2h sword
Adamant battleaxe ,
Black dagger ,
Black warhammer ,
Iron longsword ,
Iron scimitar ,
Iron sword ,
Mithril hatchet ,
Mithril mace ,
Rune halberd ,
Rune javelin (5),
Rune longsword ,
Steel longsword ,
Steel scimitar ,
Steel sword
- Armour: Adamant full helm
Adamant gauntlets ,
Black kiteshield ,
Iron chainbody ,
Iron plateskirt ,
Leather gloves ,
Mithril platelegs ,
Rune kiteshield ,
Steel chainbody ,
[Warpriest of Saradomin armour]     
- Misc: Clue scroll (hard)
Frozen key piece (saradomin) ,
Loop half of a key ,
Nature talisman ,
Shield left half ,
Tooth half of a key ,
[Uncut gem]   
- Seeds: Fellstalk seed
Morchella mushroom spore (5)
Free to play drops are shown in white, members-only drops in this colour, and unconfirmed drops in italic. Item groups are shown like [this].
This monster requires a Slayer level of 68 to kill.
This monster gives 15 Prayer XP when killed if you have an Ectoplasmator in your inventory. |
all ya all, Baffler, battlethingz, Bird Of Evil, BloodAngel, Boss on You, Darkblade986, DeKandyCakes, Dragonkng198, egiraffe, Ginger Warrior, Granamere3, Jard Y Dooku, Kot0, Latinoking, leilonnidad, Master Smither, Naive, Sir Waxx1, tryto, verran night, Warriormonkx, wasakwarrior |
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