Celestial surgebox

Celestial surgebox Examine: It could explode at any moment. Weight: 0.00 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: 1,800 gp Low alchemy: 1,200 gp
Location: Could be purchased from the Dungeoneering rewards trader for 65,000 tokens.
Uses: Worn in the shield slot. Used to store the basic runes for wave and surge spells in a single inventory space. It could store air runes, blood runes and death runes.

The right click 'charge' option charged the box with runes from your inventory. The box was used with an elemental staff or with other runes in your inventory.
Notes: Required level 70 Dungeoneering, level 70 Magic and level 70 Runecrafting to wield. When you equipped this item, your spells had a chance of doing additional damage.
This item was removed with the Evolution of Combat update on the 20th of November 2012.
Tags: Ammunition, Armour, Discontinued, Mage
Credits: All Bogs, Emma
Last updated: 17-Nov-2013
RuneScape 2007
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