Shade skull

Shade skull Examine: Imbued with mystical energies. Weight: 0.20 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: Unknown Low alchemy: Unknown
Location: Can be obtained from a gold chest in the Shades' Tomb during the Shades of Mort'ton minigame. A Gold key is required to open the chest.
Uses: Can be used to decorate air, water, earth, fire, steam and lava staves, battlestaves, and mystic staves. Level 85 Crafting is required to do so.
Notes: If you do not have the required Crafting level, you can decorate a staff whilst being assisted in the skill by someone who has.

130 Crafting XP is gained for decorating a staff. You can only gain experience in this way every 5 minutes.

The skull can be removed afterwards.
Links: Shades of Mort'ton Minigame
Tags: Crafting, Raw material
Credits: iAmber_x, Jaffy1, Kickotank, Nostradamus, Sy_Accursed, Xena Dragon
Last updated: 29-Jul-2012
RuneScape 2007
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