Sacred mine

Sacred mine Examine: Smite the enemy with high-yield explosives. Weight: 0.00 kg
Members: No Quest item: No Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: Cannot be alchemised Low alchemy: Cannot be alchemised
Location: This was obtained by killing Zamorakian or Saradomin minelayers during the Battle of Lumbridge event.
Uses: Could be deployed on any square and will persist for 1 minute until triggered by any Saradominist or Zamorakian trooper. Dealt a large amount of damage to enemy troops caught in the explosion.

When the mine exploded it would only damage enemy units, even if friendly units are within its blast radius.
Notes: This item cannot be deposited in the player's bank.

Only two sacred mines can be placed per minute. A mine can be recalled by left clicking on it after placement before the 1 minute duration expires.

A mine's explosion will tag any enemy units it damages.
Links: Battle of Lumbridge
Tags: Discontinued, Minigame
Credits: Kimberly
Last updated: 23-Oct-2013
RuneScape 2007
Find this page on the Internet Archive with a date as close to Aug 10, 2007 as possible.

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