Examine: A large pouch used for storing essence. |
Weight: 1.00 kg |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: No |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 360 gp |
Low alchemy: 240 gp |
Obtain as a drop by fighting Leeches, Guardians, and Walkers in the abyss. You may also buy one from Wizard Korvak in the Runecrafting guild for 25k. |
Large pouch -Damaged- |
Used by players of level 50 Runecrafting at level or higher to carry 9 rune essence to make runecrafting and essence mining faster. Also required for Devious Minds Quest. |
This item degrades after several uses and turn a dark colour. Little by little will hold less essence.
It can be repaired by the Dark Wizard in the centre of the Abyss for free - note that this requires you to complete the favour for the Zamorakian Mage in Varrock.
Also can be repaired by Wizard Korvak in the runecrafting guild for a fee of 9,000 gp.
Abyss Pouches,
Abyss Map,
Devious Minds Quest,
Runecrafting Guild |
Runecrafting, Tool |
Cowman_133, Dark1v2, Gerente, idunedain, Jaffy1, Jwolfinstein, lalala7324, Lord Yoogy, mattias.2, misplacedme, psymann, Selenica, Slayer shunt |