Examine: This looks tricky to eat. |
Weight: 0.35 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 160 gp |
Low alchemy: 107 gp |
108 gp |
114 gp |
120 gp |
10,000 |
30 Days: -1% 90 Days: +7% 180 Days: -16% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
This item is player made, the result of cooking raw lobster with level 40 cooking. |
Cooking Raw lobster - requires level 40 Cooking and gives 120 Cooking xp.
Attuned portent of restoration V, Portent of restoration V |
Heals life points when consumed. |
Without Cooking Gauntlets, you will not burn this item at level 74 Cooking or above. If you are wearing Cooking Gauntlets, you will stop burning at level 68 cooking or above. |
1200 Life Points at Constitution level 60 or higher.
Fire giant, Kalphite Queen, Kalphite Guardian, Bronze dragon, Ice troll -2-, Ice troll, Ice troll -3-, Ice troll -4-, TzHaar-Xil, TzHaar-Ket, Dark Beast, Skeletal Wyvern, Scarab Mage, Locust Rider -Melee-, Locust rider -Range-, Zamorak warrior -2-, Zamorak warrior, Elite Black Knight, Undead Troll -3-, Lesser reborn ranger, Lesser reborn mage, Lesser reborn warrior, Greater reborn ranger, Greater reborn mage, Greater reborn warrior, Ice troll -5-, Ice troll -6-, Jungle strykewyrm, Zamorak warrior -3-, General malpractitioner, 'Rum'-pumped crab, Baby impling
Fishing Guide, Cooking Guide |
Fish, Foods |
Darkwitchery, Ddraiggoch06, Jakesterwars, JakeTheCat, Link Chris, misplacedme, pokemama, Salleh, um_bong0 |
Last updated: 16-Jul-2014 |
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