Examine: A dangerous looking knife. |
Weight: 0.45 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 15 gp |
Low alchemy: 10 gp |
133 gp |
140 gp |
147 gp |
100 |
30 Days: -24% 90 Days: -2% 180 Days: -41% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Found in various shops around RuneScape. Also, commonly used spawns are on a table behind the Lumbridge Bank Chest, on the table in the Karamja General Store, on the table in the Lumbridge Castle kitchen, and in a house in Seers Village. Can also be obtained from the toolrack in the workshop of a player-owned house. |
Funch's Fine Groceries, Dal's General Ogre Supplies, Ali's Discount Wares, Lletya General Store, Monkey Colony General Store, The Lighthouse Store, Trader's goods, General Store -Canifis-, Neitiznot supplies, Polypore Dungeon Supplies, Trader Stan's Trading Post, Arhein's shop, Khazard General Store, Jiminua's Jungle Store, Grand Tree Groceries, Aemad's Adventuring Supplies, Arnold's Eclectic Supplies, Uglug's Stuffsies, Martin Thwait's Lost and Found, Shantay Pass Shop, Ardougne Spice Stall, Gift Shop, Alison Elmshaper's Flying Arrow Fle
This knife is used most commonly in fletching to cut wood. However, it can also be used to cut up certain types of food like fruit such as oranges, pineapples and bananas.
It is also used in a few quests to cut pieces from things, and to set deadfall traps in the Hunter skill.
Finally this knife may prove useful in refilling waterskins on Kharidian cacti in the desert south of Al Kharid. |
In RuneScape Classic, the first major bug involved the knife. A player would load their inventory with a weapon and lots of knives. They would then click somewhere on the map to start walking. They would right click and drop the weapon.... but wait! Back in RSC, you had to stop before you dropped anything. This meant the weapon you clicked to drop was still in your inventory. All you had to do is right click again on the weapon and wait until you stopped walking and the item was dropped. A knife would move into the slot your weapon was in. By clicking "Wield" in the box of the weapon you just dropped, you would equip the knife instead. This would add to your weapon strength even though a knife isn't a weapon. The more knives you had, the higher you could hit (obviously). |
Jogre, Mugger, Discontinued Random Tree Spirit, Guard -H.A.M.-, H.A.M. Guard -2-, HAM Guard -3-, TzHaar-Hur, Lizard, Giant Skeleton, Skeleton -28-, Outlaw, Jogre -God Wars Dungeon-, Ork, Zombie -16-, Zombie -17-, Zombie -18-, Zombie -19-, Zombie -20-, Skeleton -21-, Skeleton -20-, Skeleton, Dried zombie -3-, Skeleton -19-, Dried zombie -2-, Dried zombie -1-, Mutated bloodveld, Mutated bloodveld -2-, Tree Spirit -Enchanted Valley-, Bandit Looter, Baby impling
Cooking Guide
Fletching Guide |
Fletching, Tool |
Endo Rondi, foo911, I aeil I, Jaffy1, Jakesterwars, manoman, misplacedme, Nabbagad, Wolfmanscott, wyvren2000 |
Last updated: 12-Jul-2013 |
Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?
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