Air rune
Examine: One of the four basic elemental runes. Used in Magic (1). |
Weight: 0.00 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: Yes |
High alchemy: 5 gp |
Low alchemy: 4 gp |
37 gp |
39 gp |
41 gp |
25,000 |
30 Days: +25% 90 Days: +14% 180 Days: +85% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Respawns at Lumbridge swamps and the Banana field on Karamja. Can be bought from most Magic shops or crafted using the Runecrafting skill. |
TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store, Aubury's Rune Shop, Magic Guild Store -Runes-, Betty's Magic Emporium, Baba Yaga’s Magic Shop, Aubury's Rune Shop -NV-, Void Knight Magic Store, Tutab's Magical Market, Lundail's Arena-side Rune Shop, Ali's Discount Wares Runes -Small-, Carwen Essencebinder Magical Runes , Battle Runes
Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 1 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 11 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 2 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 22 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 3 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 33 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 4 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 44 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 5 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 55 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 6 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 66 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 7 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 77 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 8 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 88 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 9 Air runes. Runecrafting Rune essence - requires level 99 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 10 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 1 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 11 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 2 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 22 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 3 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 33 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 4 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 44 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 5 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 55 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 6 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 66 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 7 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 77 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 8 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 88 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 9 Air runes. Runecrafting Pure essence - requires level 99 Runecrafting and gives 5 Runecrafting xp. Gives 10 Air runes.
Air orb, Amulet of defence, Amulet of nature, Binding necklace, Castle wars brace (3), Dust rune, Mist rune, Ring of duelling (8), Smoke rune |
Can be used to cast spells. |
One of the four elemental runes. At least 1 elemental rune is required to cast a spell unless you have a staff that contains the powers of the rune. You can craft this item at level 1 runecrafting. |
Bandit, Black dragon, Chaos druid, Chaos Druid Warrior, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Wizard -2-, Giant spider, Giant spider -2-, Goblin, Guard, Moss giant, Mugger, Pirate, Shadow warrior, Skeleton -2-, Soldier -Yanille-, Tower Guard, Zombie, Skeleton -4-, Air elemental, Pirate -2-, Archer, Guard -2-, Guard -4-, Necromancer, Kalphite Soldier, Zombie -3-, Ghast, Elf warrior -Ranger-, Elf warrior, Kalphite Guardian, Zamorak wizard, Skeleton -1-, Fortress Guard, Infernal Mage, Banshee, Wall beast, Giant skeleton -2-, Saradomin wizard, Wallasalki, TzHaar-Mej, Air wizard, Dark Beast, Zombie Pirate, Zombie Swab, Dagannoth Prime, Skeletal Wyvern, Skeleton -3-, Harpie Bug Swarm, Pirate -3-, Killerwatt, Chaos Elemental, Guard -Central Falador-, Guard -Falador Walls-, Giant Mole, Icefiend, Ghast -1-, Ghast -2-, Ghast -3-, Guard -West Falador-, Zombie -5-, Skeleton -Stronghold of Security- -2-, Dark Wizard, Dark Wizard -3-, Dark Wizard -4-, Moss giant -3-, Wizard, Brine rat, Skeleton Fremennik, Skeleton Fremennik -3-, Aviansie -1-, Aviansie -2-, Aviansie -3-, Spiritual Mage -Saradomin-, Spiritual Mage -Zamorak-, Spiritual Mage -Bandos-, Aviansie -5-, Aviansie -6-, Aviansie -7-, Aviansie -8-, Aviansie -9-, Aviansie -10-, Aviansie -11-, Aviansie -12-, Aviansie -4-, Aviansie -13-, Warped Tortoise, Warped Terrorbird -1-, Warped Terrorbird -2-, Zamorak crafter, Zamorak mage, Giant Ant Worker, Giant Ant Soldier, Skeleton -11-, Skeleton -16-, Skeleton -17-, Zamorak Mage -2-, Cockroach Drone, Mutated bloodveld, Mutated bloodveld -2-, Tower Guard -2-, Mighty banshee, Elite Khazard Guard, Elite Dark Mage, Greater reborn mage, Aquanite, Chaos dwarf hand cannoneer -1-, Chaos dwogre, Spectral cultivator, Spectral attendant, Caitlin, Warped cockroach, Corpse Spider, Warped fly, Crawling corpse torso, Warped rat, Skeleton -Lumbridge Catacombs-, Warped bat, Corpse archer, Skoblin -Lumbridge Catacombs-, Corpse mage, Dragith Nurn, Guthix wizard, Archer -2-, Lumbridge guard, Lumbridge guard, Ancient mage, Glacor, Essence impling, Eclectic impling, Fire spirit (Normal, Achey), Fire spirit (Oak), Fire spirit (Willow), Fire spirit (Teak), Fire spirit (Arctic pine), Fire spirit (Maple), Fire spirit (Mahogany), Fire spirit (Eucalyptus), Fire spirit (Yew), Fire spirit (Magic, Blister), Goblin -13-, Dung kalphite, Pirate -4-, Guard -Edgeville-, Goblin -14-, Spellwisp, Zombie Pirate - 1 -, Zombie Pirate - 2 -, Guard -Falador North Entrance-, Guard -Falador North Entrance-, Guard -Central Falador-, Guard -Central Falador-, Guard -Central Falador-, Timid jadinko, Elite dark beast, Elite Aquanite
Magic Guide, Runecrafting Guide |
Elemental, Runes |
Baffler, Cowman_133, ddaanniiellh, guthix121, halo2_rocks7, Juhniz, LordSoultar, manoman, misplacedme, Salleh |
Last updated: 28-Aug-2017 |
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