Examine: A heap of ashes. |
Weight: 0.05 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 1 gp |
Low alchemy: 0 gp |
105 gp |
111 gp |
117 gp |
10,000 |
30 Days: +30% 90 Days: +29% 180 Days: +32% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Remains of a fire after it goes out. Skeletal monkey bones can crumble into ashes when attempting to obtain skeletal monkey gree gree. |
Burning Teak logs - requires level 35 Firemaking and gives 105 Firemaking xp. Burning Raw cave potato - requires level 1 Cooking. Burning Elder logs - requires level 90 Firemaking and gives 434.3 Firemaking xp.
Ground ashes, Serum 207 (4) |
Used in various quests
Used as an ingredient in Herblore.
Also used as food for abyssal minion and Phoenix eggling pets.
Ashes from other people's fires will appear to you. |
Imp, Fire elemental, Jungle Demon, Nechryael, Mummy -3-, Abyssal walker, Abyssal leech, Abyssal guardian, Water wizard, Air wizard, Earth wizard, Fire wizard, Killerwatt, Mutated zygomite, Mutated zygomite -2-, Skeleton Mage -Piscatoris-, Zombie -Stronghold of Security-, Zombie -7-, Flesh Crawler -2-, Zombie -Stronghold of Security- -2-, Flesh Crawler -1-, Flesh Crawler -3-, Imp -God Wars-, Pyrefiend -God Wars-, Mummy -4-, Fire Monster, Lava Monster, Dark energy core, Lesser reborn ranger, Lesser reborn mage, Lesser reborn warrior, Greater reborn ranger, Greater reborn mage, Greater reborn warrior, Spectral cultivator, Spectral worshipper, Spectral attendant, Pit Black Demon, Reborn mage -dungeoneering-, Mummy -2-, Fire spirit (Normal, Achey), Fire spirit (Oak), Fire spirit (Willow), Fire spirit (Teak), Fire spirit (Arctic pine), Fire spirit (Maple), Fire spirit (Mahogany), Fire spirit (Eucalyptus), Fire spirit (Yew), Fire spirit (Magic, Blister), Imp Herald - Flash Mob -
Firemaking guide,
Herblore guide,
Phoenix eggling -Cute-,
Phoenix eggling -Mean- |
Herblore, Raw material |
b4thewall, bebedujtas, Headnazgul, Khewlaidman, misplacedme, pokemama, Ulvion, Vhellcat |
Last updated: 18-Aug-2012 |
Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?
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