Examine: Drives away all known 6 legged creatures. |
Weight: |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: No |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 1 gp |
Low alchemy: 1 gp |
Received by talking to Beekeeper at beehives west of Catherby bank.
To get bees out of their hives so you can take their wax in a bucket or their Honeycombs for Summoning. |
If using this, remember to grab the bucket from the respawn point next to the gate to the beehives or it's pretty much pointless. Used in Merlin's Crystal Quest and in Troll Romance Quest.
It is a common rumor that this will make the swarm leave you. It won't. |
Merlin's Crystal quest, Troll Romance quest |
Other |
cool_effy, Ginger Warrior, Headnazgul, manoman, misplacedme, pokemama, quicksilver2688, Salleh, teh_soldier |