Yellow spice (4)

Yellow spice (4) Examine: Allows for equal distribution of spice. Weight: 0.00 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: Yes Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: Cannot be alchemised Low alchemy: Cannot be alchemised
Location: Have your cat chase vermin (hell rats) in the basement of Evil Dave's house in Edgeville after talking to Evil Dave during the Recipe for Disaster Quest - Evil Dave sub-quest. If your cat catches the hell rat, it will drop ashes and a coloured spice. Keep chasing vermin until you get the Yellow Spice.
Uses: Use on a stew to make it a spicy stew. After doing the subquest you can make spicy stew for yourself to get a random skill boost. Yellow spice may affect Agility, Prayer, Slayer or Thieving.
Notes: You can buy stews for 20 gp at the bar west of Seer’s Village bank or make them yourself. The Cooking Guide has details about potential stat boosts when making spicy stew for yourself.

QUEST: Be careful not to accidentally eat the stew or the spicy stew during the quest. There are four different spices and you need to find out by trial and error (using with Evil Dave) how many of each one to put in for the correct spicy stew for the quest.
Links: Recipe for Disaster Quest, Stews - Cooking Guide
Tags: Quest
Credits: Baffler, Divon Lynn, Gerente, misplacedme, pokemama
Last updated: 29-Sep-2012
RuneScape 2007
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