Crystal key

Crystal key Examine: A mysterious key for a mysterious chest. Weight: 0.00 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: Yes Stackable: No
High alchemy: 0 gp Low alchemy: 0 gp
Grand Exchange » Crystal key
Market Price -5% Market Price Market Price +5% Buy Limit
24,510 (24.5k) gp 25,800 (25.8k) gp 27,090 (27.1k) gp 100
30 Days: -9%   90 Days: -20%   180 Days: -24%
   Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Location: Player made by combining the two halves of the key: loop half of a key and tooth half of a key.
Can also be obtained as part of an Elite Clue scroll reward.
Made by:
Uses: Use it to open the chest in Ivy Sophista's house in Taverley, directly west of Pikkupstix's Summoning store. The chest will contain an uncut dragonstone along with miscellaneous other items (e.g. noted coal, runes, seeds, herbs, gems or armour).
Notes: The key disappears once you use it to open the chest. You are guaranteed at least one dragonstone from the chest, though you can get anything from a spinach roll to rune armour, or even another key half in addition to the gem. On very rare occasions the chest will contain one piece of [Dragonstone armour]
Dropped by:
Links: loop half of a key, tooth half of a key
Tags: Chest, Keys
Credits: Agent Cowie, Billy Beck9, Bows, Fireofdevil, gerente, Headnazgul, hokap, Jaffy1, John Silbernagel, Lady_Shahdie, manoman, misplacedme, Saradomin_Mage, SideRow, Smmerbuff, Xena Dragon
Last updated: 02-Mar-2014
RuneScape 2007
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