Examine: Enchanted Dragonstone tipped Runite Crossbow Bolts. |
Weight: 0.00 kg |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: Yes |
High alchemy: 637 gp |
Low alchemy: 425 gp |
302 gp |
318 gp |
334 gp |
25,000 |
30 Days: -1% 90 Days: -1% 180 Days: 0% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Made by enchanting Dragonstone Bolts (1 Cosmic, 15 Earth, 1 Soul Rune) |
Ranger crossbow ammunition. |
Requires Level 68 Magic to enchant. Special effect: Dragon's Breath - Chance of inflicting a dragon's breath hit against your opponent, unless they have an anti-dragonbreath shield, are shielded by anti-dragonfire potions, or are some type of fiery beast such as a dragon. |
Magical Bolts |
Ammunition, Bolts |
ghettomastr, JaGgEdGe, manoman, Master_Smither, misplacedme, richisbest, Vhellcat |