Bronze bolts
Examine: Bronze ammunition for crossbows. Used with the Ranged skill (1). |
Weight: 0.00 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: Yes |
High alchemy: 1 gp |
Low alchemy: 1 gp |
27 gp |
28 gp |
29 gp |
10,000 |
30 Days: +33% 90 Days: +55% 180 Days: +12% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Fletched by players and sold in most arrow shops. |
Fletching 10 Bronze bolts (unf) and 10 Feather - requires level 9 Fletching and gives 5 Fletching xp. Gives 10 Bronze boltss.
Barbed bolts, Fragment bolts, Opal bolts |
Can be fired from any crossbow. |
Can be fitted with Opal or Barbed tips. |
Dwarf, Farmer, Giant spider, Goblin, Imp, Man, Mountain Dwarf, Mugger, Rogue, Thief, Al-Kharid warrior, Woman, Penda, Cave goblin, Goblin -3-, Dwarf -2-, Goblin Guard, Black Guard -2-, Narf, Rusty, Cuffs, Jeff, Drunken Man, Icefiend, Imp -God Wars-, Goblin -13-, Man -3-, Woman -6-, Goblin -14-, Imp Herald - Flash Mob -, Timid jadinko
Making Bolts, Crossbow Maximum Damage |
Ammunition, Bolts |
Headnazgul, misplacedme, TrixStar |
Damage |
48 |
Armour |
0 |
Accuracy |
0 |
Life Bonus |
0 |
Level |
0 |
Prayer Bonus |
0 |
Style: -- |
Strength Bonus |
0 |
Type: Ranged |
Ranged Bonus |
0 |
Speed: -- |
Magic Bonus |
0 |
Ammo: Bolt |
Equipment slot: Arrow |
Agility |
0 |
Prayer |
0 |
Attack |
0 |
Ranged |
0 |
Constitution |
0 |
Strength |
0 |
Defence |
0 |
Summoning |
0 |
Magic |
0 |
Last updated: 28-Nov-2015 |
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