Spirit shards
Examine: Shards of an obelisk. Used in Summoning (1) for training productions. |
Weight: 0.00 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: Yes |
High alchemy: 15 gp |
Low alchemy: 0 gp |
23 gp |
24 gp |
25 gp |
10,000 |
30 Days: 0% 90 Days: +4% 180 Days: 0% Last Snapshot: 5:15pm, 17-Mar-2019 GMT
Bought from Pikkupstix in Taverley for 25 gold coins. |
Abyssal lurker pouch, Abyssal lurker pouch(u), Abyssal parasite pouch, Abyssal parasite pouch(u), Abyssal titan pouch, Abyssal titan pouch(u), Adamant minotaur pouch, Adamant minotaur pouch(u), Albino rat pouch, Albino rat pouch(u), Amlodd pouch, Arctic bear pouch, Arctic bear pouch(u), Beaver pouch, Bloated leech pouch, Brawler demon pouch, Bronze minotaur pouch(u), Compost mound pouch, Deacon demon pouch, Desert wyrm pouch, Dreadfowl pouch, Evil turnip pouch, Executioner demon pouch, Giant chinchompa pouch, Granite crab pouch, Granite lobster pouch, Honey badger pouch, Iron minotaur pouch, Iron titan pouch, Light creature pouch, Macaw pouch, Magpie pouch, Pack yak pouch, Pyrelord pouch, Spirit cockatrice pouch, Spirit coraxatrice pouch, Spirit graahk pouch, Spirit guthatrice pouch, Spirit kalphite pouch, Spirit kyatt pouch, Spirit larupia pouch, Spirit mosquito pouch, Spirit pengatrice pouch, Spirit saratrice pouch, Spirit scorpion pouch, Spirit spider pouch, Spirit tz-kih pouch, Spirit vulatrice pouch, Spirit wolf pouch, Spirit zamatrice pouch, Steel titan pouch, Thorny snail pouch, Unicorn stallion pouch, Vampyre bat pouch, Void ravager pouch, Void shifter pouch, Void spinner pouch, Void torcher pouch, Wolpertinger pouch |
Used in usually large amounts along with a pouch, a second, and a charm to create summoning pouches. |
The price on this item was initially 50 gold each, but the price was lowered to 25 within the first week of Summoning's release. It can be sold at the Grand Exchange. |
Summoning Guide |
Summoning |
Lalala7324, pjs9, Whirlwind II |
Last updated: 16-Feb-2014 |
Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?
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