Examine: A tiny nut-thief. |
Weight: |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: No |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 0 gp |
Low alchemy: 0 gp |
Player caught South of Mind runecrafting altar, North of the Legends Guild near the Firemaking master and at Rupert's Tower, using a net trap baited with nuts. |
Pet. It will follow you if you drop it. Let it follow you for a few hours to raise it to an adult. |
Summoning level 60 (and Hunter level 29) is required to capture this pet. Be sure to carry nuts to feed it - if it gets too hungry, it will run away. As this pet gets hungry very fast, always carry nuts with you! |
Summoning - Pets, Hunter - Net Traps |
Pet |
Croaticus985, pokemama |