Examine: An ornate key: precise workmanship and an ethereal glow. (Legazy of Seergaze) |
Weight: |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: Yes |
Tradeable: No |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 0 gp |
Low alchemy: 0 gp |
Obtained in the Columbarium in the Salve Temple dungeon by cremating a vyre corpse. |
Use it on any wooden recess in the Columbarium walls to obtain loot. |
A tinderbox and pyre logs (teak or higher) are required to cremate a vyre corpse. Vyre corpses are obtained by killing Vyrewatch.
Possible loot from using the key is listed in the Vyrewatch Variation section of the Shades of Mort'ton Minigame guide. |
Legacy of Seergaze, Shades of Mort'ton Minigame |
Key |
Cowman_133, damianara, pokemama |