Sacred clay (class 1)

Sacred clay (class 1) Examine: Very low quality sacred clay. Weight: 0.10 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: Yes Stackable: No
High alchemy: 0 gp Low alchemy: 0 gp
Location: Picked up from the Broken fragments areas in the Stealing Creation Minigame.
Used in: Arrows (class 1), Barrier (class 1), Bow (class 1), Butterfly net (class 1), Catalytic rune -Stealing Creation-, Chaps (class 1), Coif (class 1), Dagger (class 1), Defence potion (1) -SC game-, Elemental rune -Stealing Creation-, Energy potion (1) -SC game-, Food (class 1), Harpoon (class 1), Hat (class 1), Hatchet (class 1), Helm (class 1), Leather body (class 1), Magic potion (1) -SC game-, Pickaxe (class 1), Platebody (class 1), Platelegs (class 1), Prayer potion (1) -SC game-, Ranging potion (1) -SC game-, Robe bottom (class 1), Robe top (class 1), Sacred clay pouch (class 1), Scimitar (class 1), Staff (class 1), Summoning potion (1) -SC game-, Super attack potion (1) -SC game-, Super strength potion (1) -SC game-, Warhammer (class 1)
Uses: Collecting it earns 15 points. If deposited as clay at the base it only earns 15 more points for a total of 30. If processed into an item it earns 15 points, and if the processed item is deposited at the base it earns 30 more points for a total of 60.
Notes: This is the lowest quality sacred clay you can obtain. Anyone can gather it and no tools are required. You will lose this item at the end of the Minigame.
Links: Stealing Creation
Tags: Minigame
Credits: Cowman_133, pokemama, wyvren2000
Last updated: 29-Oct-2011
RuneScape 2007
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