Sacred clay (class 5)

Sacred clay (class 5) Examine: Very high quality sacred clay. Weight: 0.50 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: Yes Stackable: No
High alchemy: 0 gp Low alchemy: 0 gp
Location: Collected from a level 5 resource (pool, swarm, tree, rock) in the Stealing Creation Minigame. Requires 80 skill level to work with this clay.
Used in: Arrows (class 5), Barrier (class 5), Bow (class 5), Butterfly net (class 5), Catalytic rune -Stealing Creation-, Chaps (class 5), Coif (class 5), Dagger (class 5), Defence potion (5) -SC game-, Elemental rune -Stealing Creation-, Energy potion (5) -SC game-, Food (class 5), Harpoon (class 5), Hat (class 5), Hatchet (class 5), Helm (class 5), Leather body (class 5), Magic potion (5) -SC game-, Pickaxe (class 5), Platebody (class 5), Platelegs (class 5), Prayer potion (5) -SC game-, Ranging potion (5) -SC game-, Robe bottom (class 5), Robe top (class 5), Sacred clay pouch (class 5), Scimitar (class 5), Staff (class 5), Summoning potion (5) -SC game-, Super attack potion (5) -SC game-, Super strength potion (5) -SC game-, Warhammer (class 5)
Uses: Collecting it earns 75 points. If deposited as clay at the base it only earns 75 more points for a total of 150. If processed into an item it earns 75 points, and if the processed item is deposited at the base it earns 150 more points for a total of 300.
Notes: This is the highest quality sacred clay you can obtain. You will lose this item at the end of the Minigame.
Links: Stealing Creation
Tags: Minigame
Credits: Cowman_133, pokemama, wyvren2000
Last updated: 29-Oct-2011
RuneScape 2007
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