Sled -Waxed-

Sled -Waxed- Examine: A waxed sled. Weight: 0.00 kg
Members: Yes Quest item: Yes Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: 105 gp Low alchemy: 70 gp
Location: This is what you get after you wax the sled you get from Dunstan.
Uses: You can use it to slide around on Trollweiss Mountain. You need a sled to get down the slopes.
Notes: You can still use the sled on Trollweiss after you completed the quest. There are aggressive wolves on the mountain, and you can't attack while you are on the sled.
Links: Troll Romance, World Maps
Tags: Quest-only
Credits: Acasha, Ardaingeal, bambino, misplacedme
Last updated: 24-Dec-2010
RuneScape 2007
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