Examine: A hatchet for woodcutting. (Tier 1) |
Weight: 1.30 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 210 gp |
Low alchemy: 140 gp |
Made from one bar of Novite deep within Daemonheim. May also be found on the starting room table or obtained as a monster drop. |
Used to harvest wood from trees throughout the dungeon. |
This item cannot be removed from Daemonheim, but can be carried to the next level with the bind feature. |
Dungeoneering Guide |
Dungeoneering, Melee, Weapon |
Danqazmlp, jimmy_jim, Miloxide, Mirrorforced, Peter, Teemupets, xezalb, zaaps1 |