Examine: Bow ammunition. (Tier 7) |
Weight: 0.00 kg |
Members: No |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: Yes |
High alchemy: 192 gp |
Low alchemy: 128 gp |
Made by adding Argonite arrowtips to headless arrows. May also be found on the starting room table or obtained as a monster drop. |
Worn as Tier 7 arrows. Requires level 60 ranged to wear. |
This item cannot be removed from Daemonheim, but can be carried to the next level with the bind feature. You may only bind one stackable item at a time, with a maximum quantity of 125, or 225 if you have completed the Salt in the Wound quest. To remove it as a bound item, you must choose the Destroy option. This item was made accessible to free-to-play as of 9 October 2017, but cannot be crafted on free worlds and can only be acquired through drops. |
Dungeoneering Guide, Binding - Dungeoneering, Fletching - Dungeoneering Skills |
Ammunition, Arrows, Dungeoneering |
Arceus, Laikrob, Lalala7324, Noria, pokemama, Siobhana |