Examine: A Karambwan poisoned rune tipped spear. |
Weight: 2.20 kg |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: Yes |
Tradeable: No |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: 12,480 gp |
Low alchemy: 8,320 gp |
Player made. Poisonous karambwan is ground with a pestle and mortar to make Poisonous karambwan paste. Use it on the tip of a rune spear. |
Can be used during the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest. |
After you complete the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest, you can make karambwan poison which is a little stronger than regular poison and place it on a normal spear.
Karambwan poisoned (kp) items are not tradable. To trade the spear, you must first remove the poison with a cleaning cloth. |
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio (quest guide)
Combat Guide |
Melee, Weapon |
aapinator, CookMePlox, Cowman_133, ladymax, Lonew0lf1974, misplacedme, wyvren2000 |