Examine: I can summon a Sachem hoardstalker with this. (Tier 10) |
Weight: 0.00 kg |
Members: Yes |
Quest item: No |
Tradeable: Yes |
Stackable: No |
High alchemy: |
Low alchemy: |
Crafted in Daemonheim by using a blue charm and a tyrannomastyx hide on a summoning obelisk. |
Used to summon a Tier 10 Sachem hoardstalker familiar. This familiar can forage Tier 10 materials. Pouch can alternatively be used on a summoning obelisk to make 10 Tier 10 Aptitude scrolls for use with this familiar. |
Requires level 95 summoning to make and summon. This item cannot be removed from Daemonheim, and cannot be carried to the next level with the bind feature. |
Dungeoneering Guide, Summoning - Dungeoneering Skills |
Dungeoneering, Pouches, Summoning |
essiw |