Tip.It Times » 

Happy end of week everybody! It's Friday once again, and you know what that means...time for a new Tip.It Times article! This week, our Editor takes a look at a serious subject that we often see being discussed on our forums...addiction to RuneScape. Please take some time out of your busy day to give it a read.

You'll no doubt notice a new addition to this week's article. In the past, we had a very popular feature called Did You Know? at the bottom of each week's Times article. We had to stop including it for a number of reasons, but due to popular demand, we've decided to bring it back. Each week, we will feature a fun and interesting fact about the game in the Did You Know? section at the bottom of the Times. We hope you enjoy it!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome hokap to the Tip.It Crew. On behalf of the entire staff, welcome to the nuthouse!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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