Tip.It Times » 

This week's edition of the Tip.It Times is up and available for your reading pleasure. This week, we feature a guest article written by our very own Ard_Choille! So please take a moment to give Guthix Skiller a read.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind all P2P players about tomorrow's TET event, Waterbirth Island & Laikrob's House. Please join us on Waterbirth Island tomorrow, Saturday 3rd March at promptly 8:00 PM (UK Time). Remember to bring some food and some sort of teleport in case you need to make a quick exit, and don't forget to leave anything you don't want to lose behind! Please see the Event Details page for more information, including start times for other times zones.

Happy weekend, everyone!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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