Tip.It Times » 

Hi everyone, time for a new Times. This week's edition of the Tip.It Times is now available for your reading pleasure. In this edition, our Editor lays it on the line and give his views on some of the more recent unannounced game changes. We hope you enjoy it!

Also, a reminder about tomorrow's TET event, The Attack of the Tipiters!. How can you not be intrigued with an event title like that??? Come join us tomorrow, Saturday 10th March, on world 127 behind Lumbridge Castle. This event is a combined F2P / P2P event, and since we will start with the F2P portion, everyone is welcome to join in the fun promptly at 8:00 PM (UK Time). Please visit the Event Details Page for more information, inlcuding start times for other time zones.

Lastly, for our friends in the US and Canada, please remember that beginning this year, Daylight Savings Time (DST) is starting three weeks earlier than in previous years. That means that this coming Sunday, 11th March, you should move your clocks ahead one hour, beginning 2:00 AM (your local time). Don't forget to "spring" forward!


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