Times, TeT & Clan Hot Topic » 

A new issue of the Tip.It Times is available. This weeks Featured Article presents a look at the boss monsters of RuneScape and how they have became easier over time. After taking a read through your favorite articles, be sure to discuss them on the discussion topic!

It's that time again, time for a TET guest event! Get your creative mind going and prepare an event for the whole Tip.It community! Submissions down on the announcement thread, ending on March 14th. You have plenty of time, but you don't want to wait too long! We'd like to see the best event you can make, so put your thinking caps on and hop to it!

We also have a Clan Hot Topic this week! Part of a clan's impression on the clan world are based off its website or forum. Is there anything in particular that you find attractive or unique about certain clans' websites?? Discuss your answer on topic of the week.

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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