Ring of Wealth Update » 

Jagex's recent update to the Ring of Wealth and monster drops has the Bestiary team on their toes. Submissions have been coming in by the dozen, but due to the size of our team we are simply unable to keep up with the rate. Our team will continue to do their best in sorting out monster drops. If you do not see your submission on the site right away, please rest assured we are simply holding it until appropriate confirmation can be made by the team. As always we appreciate your patience with us until we get everything sorted out and most importantly we appreciate the effort that goes into submissions to keep our site accurate!

Upcoming changes will make unconfirmed drops visible to the general public. This will not only give everybody a chance to help the team confirm new drops, but it will also get new information to everybody as soon as we find it without the grace period currently felt. Watch for news posts on the subject for more information!

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