Tip.It Representatives at RuneFest & Gallery Competition » 

If you will be attending RuneFest 2011, you might be worried about how you will find the Tip.It Staff in the huge crowd of people. Don't worry! The Tip.It representatives at RuneFest will be wearing special t-shirts to help you identify them. Keep an eye out for the below t-shirts at the event:

The t-shirts will be labeled with our forum usernames so feel free to introduce yourself, sign our t-shirts, have a chat, and put your name in the Tip.It Guestbook!

Also, don't forget to enter Jagex's RuneFest Gallery Competition! You have to submit your artwork by September 14th, 2011. The best entries will be displayed at RuneFest! For more details, visit our RuneFest Blog and feel free to post your gallery entry on our forum thread!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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